What is a Vampire Wing lift?
The Vampire Wing Lift® uses blood derived growth factors (vampire) and an hyaluronic filler (like Juvederm®) to rejuvenate the labia (wings) and "lift" them back to the natural shape of that individual woman's younger self.
A Wing Lift procedure helps to restore the labia and the vagina to a woman's younger appearance.
Forget spending an entire day at the plastic surgeon. Vitality uses your own Platelet-Rich Plasma in a procedure that takes less than an hour in the office.
It also works well and synergistically with the O-Shot!
Vitality Hormones & IV Bar is an officially licensed medical provider of The Vampire Wing Lift® [trademarked by designer-physician, Charles Runels, MD] offers an innovative combination that's become a sensation worldwide.
Click here for more information and Research on The Vampire Wing Lift®.